Publications 2016
Analysis of Three-Phase Catalytic Fuel Synthesis Reactors for Flexible Operation
Eilers, H.; Schaub, G.
2016. Chemical engineering & technology, 39 (11), 2107–2116. doi:10.1002/ceat.201600193 -
Hydrocarbons via CO2 Hydrogenation Over Iron Catalysts: The Effect of Potassium on Structure and Performance
Fischer, N.; Henkel, R.; Hettel, B.; Iglesias, M.; Schaub, G.; Claeys, M.
2016. Catalysis letters, 146 (2), 509–517. doi:10.1007/s10562-015-1670-9 -
Hydrodynamics of organic and ionic liquids in a slurry bubble column reactor operated at elevated temperatures
Götz, M.; Lefebvre, J.; Mörs, F.; Reimert, R.; Graf, F.; Kolb, T.
2016. The chemical engineering journal, 286, 348–360. doi:10.1016/j.cej.2015.10.044 -
Renewable Power-to-Gas: A technological and economic review
Götz, M.; Lefebvre, J.; Mörs, F.; McDaniel Koch, A.; Graf, F.; Bajohr, S.; Reimert, R.; Kolb, T.
2016. Renewable energy, 85, 1371–1390. doi:10.1016/j.renene.2015.07.066 -
Erdgas 2015
Graf, F.; Gröschl, F.; Heikrodt, K.; Krause, H.; Wetzel, U.; Albus, R.; Burmeister, F.; Wenzel, M.; Witschen, B.; Beilfuß, A.
2016. BWK, 68 (5), 81–99 -
Modellierung der Stoffübertragung beim Niederdruckcarbonitrieren mit Ammoniak und Acetylen. PhD dissertation
Hagymási, L.
2016. KIT Scientific Publishing. doi:10.5445/KSP/1000057840 -
Fast pyrolysis of lignocellulosics in a twin screw mixer reactor
Henrich, E.; Dahmen, N.; Weirich, F.; Reimert, R.; Kornmayer, C.
2016. Fuel Processing Technology, 143, 151–161. doi:10.1016/j.fuproc.2015.11.003 -
4. TZW: DVGW-Technologiezentrum Wasser
Horn, H.; Kolb, T.; Trimis, D.; Klinger, J.
2016. GWF / Wasser, Abwasser, 157 (6), 664–669 -
Gaseous Hydrocarbon Synfuels from Renewable Electricity via H2/CO2-Flexibility of Fixed-Bed Catalytic Reactors
Iglesias Gonzalez, M.; Schaub, G.
2016. International journal of chemical reactor engineering, 14 (5), 1089–1099. doi:10.1515/ijcre-2014-0135 -
Flexible Operation of Fixed-Bed Reactors for a Catalytic Fuel Synthesis - CO₂ Hydrogenation as Example Reaction
Iglesias González, M.; Eilers, H.; Schaub, G.
2016. Energy technology, 4 (1), 90–103. doi:10.1002/ente.201500259 -
Improving the processability of coke water slurries for entrained flow gasification
Jampolski, L.; Sänger, A.; Jakobs, T.; Guthausen, G.; Kolb, T.; Willenbacher, N.
2016. Fuel, 185, 102–111. doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2016.07.102 -
Product distribution of CO2 hydrogenation by K- and Mn-promoted Fe catalysts supported on N-functionalized carbon nanotubes
Kangvansura, P.; Chew, L. M.; Saengsui, W.; Santawaja, P.; Poo-arporn, Y.; Muhler, M.; Schulz, H.; Worayingyong, A.
2016. Catalysis today, 275, 59–65. doi:10.1016/j.cattod.2016.02.045 -
Tackling the challenges in modelling entrained-flow gasification of low-grade feedstock
Kolb, T.; Aigner, M.; Kneer, R.; Müller, M.; Weber, R.; Djordjevic, N.
2016. Journal of the Energy Institute, 89 (4), 485–503. doi:10.1016/j.joei.2015.07.007 -
DVGW-Geruchsmeldestatistik - deutschlandweite Erfassung und statistische Auswertung
Kröger, K.; Graf, F.
2016. Energie-, Wasser-Praxis, (5), 136–141 -
Olfaktorische Untersuchungen zur Odorierung von Biogas
Kröger, K.; Graf, F.
2016. GWF / Gas, Erdgas, 157 (3-4), 264–271 -
Modellierung von Fermentationsreaktoren zur Erzeugung von einspeisefähigem Biogas innerhalb der Power-to-Gas-Kette
Mörs, F.; Bär, K.; Ortloff, F.; Graf, F.; Kolb, T.
2016. Chemie - Ingenieur - Technik, 88 (9), 1329. doi:10.1002/cite.201650390 -
Simulation of the primary breakup of a high-viscosity liquid jet by a coaxial annular gas flow
Müller, T.; Sänger, A.; Habisreuther, P.; Jakobs, T.; Trimis, D.; Kolb, T.; Zarzalis, N.
2016. International journal of multiphase flow, 87, 212–228. doi:10.1016/j.ijmultiphaseflow.2016.09.008 -
Biogasaufbereitung mit ionischen Flüssigkeiten
Ortloff, F.; Graf, F.; Kolb, T.
2016. Chemie - Ingenieur - Technik, 88 (9), 1411. doi:10.1002/cite.201650386 -
Removal of oxygen from (bio-)methane via catalytic oxidation of CH4 - Reaction kinetics for very low O2:CH4 ratios
Ortloff, F.; Bohnau, J.; Graf, F.; Kolb, T.
2016. Applied catalysis / B, 182, 375–384. doi:10.1016/j.apcatb.2015.09.025 -
Studies on the influence of H2S and SO2 on the activity of a PdO/Al2O3catalyst for removal of oxygen by total oxidation of (bio-)methane at very low O2:CH4 ratios
Ortloff, F.; Bohnau, J.; Kramar, U.; Graf, F.; Kolb, T.
2016. Applied catalysis / B, 182, 550–561. doi:10.1016/j.apcatb.2015.09.026 -
Review on methanation - From fundamentals to current projects
Rönsch, S.; Schneider, J.; Matthischke, S.; Schlüter, M.; Götz, M.; Lefebvre, J.; Prabhakaran, P.; Bajohr, S.
2016. Fuel, 166, 276–296. doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2015.10.111 -
Contribution to the Understanding of Secondary Pyrolysis of Biomass-Based Slurry under Entrained-Flow Gasification Conditions
Stoesser, P.; Ruf, J.; Gupta, R.; Djordjevic, N.; Kolb, T.
2016. Energy & fuels, 30 (8), 6448–6457. doi:10.1021/acs.energyfuels.6b00935
Conference contributions 2016
Möglichkeiten der Integration von Power-to-Gas in die Prozesskette der Biogaserzeugung
Baer, K.; Ullrich, T.; Lecker, B.; Moers, F.; Ortloff, F.; Lemmer, A.; Oechsner, H.; Graf, F.; Kolb, T.
2016. ProcessNet-Jahrestagung und 32. DECHEMA-Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen (2016), Aachen, Germany, September 12–15, 2016. doi:10.1002/cite.201650361 -
FT2.3 Verlinkung entlang der Prozesskette "Thermochemische Biomasse-Konversion"
Eberhard, M.; Raffelt, K.; Sauer, J.; Kolb, T.
2016. ES2050 Workshop FT2 Biogene Energieträger, Frankfurt a. Main, 16.09.2016 -
Flexibilität katalytischer Reaktoren am Beispiel der Fischer-Tropsch-Synthese – Experimentelle und rechnerische Studien
Eilers, H.; Schaub, G.
2016. Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppen Energieverfahrenstechnik und Abfallbehandlung und Wertstoffrückgewinnung, 23–24 February 2016, Frankfurt, Germany -
Vergasung biomasse-basierter Brennstoffsuspensionen in einem atmosphärischen Flugstromvergaser
Fleck, S.; Hotz, C.; Kolb, T.
2016. DGMK-Tagung „Konversion von Biomassen und Kohlen”, Rotenburg a.d.Fulda, 09.-11.05.2016, 103–104, Deutsche Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Erdöl, Erdgas und Kohle e.V. (DGMK) -
Investigations on fuel rheology and spray quality for high pressure entrained flow gasification of biomass based fuels
Jakobs, T.; Sänger, A.; Jampolski, L.; Willenbacher, N.; Kolb, T.
2016. Innovative Coal Value Chains. 8th International Freiberg Conference on IGCC & XtL Technologies. Köln, 12.-16.06.2016 -
Zerstäubung hochviskoser Brennstoffe aus Restbiomasse für die Hochdruck-Flugstromvergasung
Jakobs, T.; Sänger, A.; Kolb, T.
2016. Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet Fachgruppen „Energieverfahrenstechnik” und „Abfallbehandlung und Wertstoffrückgewinnung", Frankfurt am Main, 23.-24.02.2016 -
Einfluss des Fließverhaltens von Koks-Wasser-Suspensionen im Rahmen des bioliq®-Verfahrens auf den Prozess
Jampolski, L.; Jakobs, T.; Kolb, T.; Willenbacher, N.
2016. Rheologie als Schlüssel zu einem erfolgreichen Produktdesign. Gemeinsame Diskussionstagung der Deutschen Rheologischen Gesellschaft und der ProcessNet Fachgruppe „Rheologie" (DRG/ProcessNet – Rheologentagung), Berlin, 14.-15.03.2016 -
Tailoring the Flow Behavior of Coke Water Slurries for Entrained Flow Gasification
Jampolski, L.; Sänger, A.; Jakobs, T.; Kolb, T.; Willenbacher, N.
2016. Advanced Biofuels Symposium 2016, Vancouver, CDN, 06.-08.07.2016 -
Flow Behavior and Aging of Pyrolysis Oils from Different Feedstocks
Jampolski, L.; Tomasi-Morgano, M.; Jakobs, T.; Leibold, H.; Kolb, T.; Willenbacher, N.
2016. Advanced Biofuels Symposium 2016, 06.-08.07.2016, Vancouver, Canada -
Current Topics of Odorizing in Germany
Kröger, K.; Graf, F.
2016. 11th Pipeline Technology Conference, 23.-25.05.2016, Berlin -
Measurement of the equivalence ratio in an atmospheric gasifier using laser induced breakdown spectroscopy
Kutne, P.; Ebenhoch, M.; Meier, W.; Fleck, S.; Hotz, C.; Kolb, T.
2016. 2016 Imaging and Applied Optics Congress, Heidelberg, 25.-28.07.2016 -
CO2 Methanation in a Slurry Bubble Column Reactor – Influence of the Liquid Phase on the Reaction Kinetics and the Reactor Design
Lefebvre, J.; Bajohr, S.; Kolb, T.
2016. ProcessNet-Jahrestagung und 32. DECHEMA-Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen (2016), Aachen, Germany, September 12–15, 2016 -
Three-phase methanation - From lab-scale to pilot-plant
Lefebvre, J.; Bajohr, S.; Kolb, T.
2016. 3rd Nuremberg Methanation Workshop and Second Generation Fuels, Nürnberg, 19. - 20.05.2016 -
Modellierung von Fermentationsreaktoren zur Erzeugung von einspeisefähigem Biogas innerhalb der Power-to-Gas-Kette
Mörs, F.; Bär, K.; Ortloff, F.; Graf, F.; Kolb, T.
2016. 32. ProcessNet-Jahrestagung und 32. DECHEMA-Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen (2016), Aachen, Germany, September 12–15, 2016 -
Investigation on the jet breakup of high-viscous fuels for entrained flow gasification
Müller, T.; Sänger, A.; Habisreuther, P.; Jakobs, T.; Kolb, T.; Zarzalis, N.
2016. Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppe Hochtemperaturtechnik, Nürnberg, 10.-11.03.2016 -
Untersuchung des Zerfalls des Brennstoffstrahls bei hochviskosen Brennstoffen im Flugstromvergaser
Müller, T.; Sänger, A.; Habisreuther, P.; Jakobs, T.; Kolb, T.; Zarzalis, N.
2016. Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet Fachgruppe „Hochtemperaturtechnik”, Erlangen-Nürnberg, 10.-11. März 2016 -
Investigation on Jet Breakup of High-Viscous Fuels for Entrained Flow Gasification
Müller, T.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Sänger, A.; Jakobs, T.; Kolb, T.
2016. ASME Turbo Expo 2016: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, Seoul, South Korea, June 13–17, 2016, Volume 3: Coal, Biomass and Alternative Fuels, V003T03A003/1–11, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). doi:10.1115/GT2016-56371 -
Entrained flow gasification of ash containing slurries for the production of bio-based syngas in the bioliqTM demo-scale plant
Müller-Hagedorn, M.; Covella, K.; Weigand, P.; Michelfelder, B.; Eberhard, M.; Kolb, T.
2016. 8th International Freiberg Conference on IGCC & XtL Technologies, Innovative Coal Value Chains, Köln, 12.-16.06.2016 -
Using primary instability analysis for determination of apparent liquid viscosity at jet breakup atomizing non-Newtonian Fluids
Sänger, A.; Jakobs, T.; Kolb, T.
2016. ILASS - Europe 2016, 27th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Brighton, UK, 04.-07.09.2016, Paper AA-18, 8 S., Fraunhofer IRB Verlag -
Reaction Kinetics of Char Gasification
Schneider, C.; Stoesser, P.; Kolb, T.
2016. 1st International Oxyflame Workshop, 10. – 11.02.2016, Montabaur, Germany -
Thermochemical Biomass Char Conversion: Study on Pyrolysis and Gasification Kinetics
Schneider, C.; Stoesser, P.; Rincon, S.; Kolb, T.
2016. The 41st International Technical Conference on Clean Coal & Fuel Systems, 05.-09.06.2016, Clearwater, Fl, USA -
HVIGasTech: Thermophysical and Chemical Properties of BioLiq Slags
Seebold, S.; Eberhard, M.; Wu, G.; Yazhenskikh, E.; Sergeev, D.; Kolb, T.; Müller, M.
2016. Innovative Coal Value Chains, 8th International Freiberg Conference on IGCC & XtL Technologies, Köln, 12.-16.06.2016 -
Droptube Experiments to Characterize Secondary Pyrolysis of Biomass Char
Stoesser, P.; Schneider, C.; Kolb, T.
2016. 1st International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion Montabaur, 10.-11.02.2016 -
Status Quo of the bioliq®-process at KIT
Zimmerlin, B.; Eberhard, M.; Fridbjarnarson, G.; Galla, U.; Kolb, T.; Mai, R.; Michelfelder, B.; Niebel, A.; Weirich, F.; Willy, M.
2016. 9th International Seminar on Gasification, 19.-20. Oktober 2016, Malmö, Schweden
Publications 2015
Energy storage technologies as options to a secure energy supply = Energiespeicherung als Element einer sicheren Energieversorgung
Ausfelder, F.; Beilmann, C.; Bertau, M.; Bräuninger, S.; Heinzel, A.; Hoer, R.; Koch, W.; Mahlendorf, F.; Metzelthin, A.; Peuckert, M.; Plass, L.; Räuchle, K.; Reuter, M.; Schaub, G.; Schiebahn, S.; Schwab, E.; Schüth, F.; Stolten, D.; Teßmer, G.; Wagemann, K.; Ziegahn, K.-F.
2015. Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 87 (1-2), 17–89. doi:10.1002/cite.201400183 -
Vergleich der biologischen und katalytischen Methanisierung für den Einsatz bei PtG-Konzepten
Bär, K.; Mörs, F.; Götz, M.; Graf, F.
2015. GWF / Gas, Erdgas, 156 (7), 466–473 -
High pressure in synthetic fuels production
Dahmen, N.; Arnold, U.; Djordjevic, N.; Henrich, T.; Kolb, T.; Leibold, H.; Sauer, J.
2015. The journal of supercritical fluids, 96, 124–132. doi:10.1016/j.supflu.2014.09.031 -
Kobalt-basierte Fischer-Tropsch Synthese und CO-Konvertierung für CO-reiche Synthesegase. PhD dissertation
Edzang Edzang, R. D.
2015. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000048544 -
Lab-scale experimental studies of Fischer-Tropsch kinetics in a three-phase slurry reactor under transient reaction conditions
Eilers, H.; González, M. I.; Schaub, G.
2015. Catalysis today, 275, 164–171. doi:10.1016/j.cattod.2015.11.011 -
Fischer-Tropsch synthesis under transient conditions in a slurry reactor: Experimental and mathematical investigations = Fischer-Tropsch-Synthese unter instationären Bedingungen im Suspensionsreaktor: experimentelle und rechnerische Studien
Eilers, H.; Schaub, G.
2015. Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 87 (6), 837–842. doi:10.1002/cite.201400138 -
Wasserstoff-Erzeugung mit Mikroalgen: Prozessstudien zur Dynamik von Wachstum, Produkterzeugung und Produktgasbehandlung. PhD dissertation
Franz, A.
2015. Verlag Dr. Hut -
Long-term thermal stability of selected ionic liquids in nitrogen and hydrogen atmosphere
Götz, M.; Reimert, R.; Bajohr, S.; Schnetzer, H.; Wimberg, J.; Schubert, T. J. S.
2015. Thermochimica Acta, 600, 82–88. doi:10.1016/j.tca.2014.11.005 -
Verhalten eines kohlenwasserstoffhaltigen Rohgases aus hydrothermaler Biomassvergasung in der Hochtemperaturbrennstoffzelle SOFC. PhD dissertation
Huang, X.
2015. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000060158 -
Gaseous Hydrocarbon Synfuels from H2/CO2 based on Renewable Electricity - Kinetics, Selectivity and Fundamentals of Fixed-Bed Reactor Design for Flexible Operation. PhD dissertation
Iglesias Gonzalez, M.
2015. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000051662 -
Chemical Energy Storage in Gaseous Hydrocarbons via Iron Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis from H2/CO2 - Kinetics, Selectivity and Process Considerations
Iglesias Gonzalez, M.; Vries, C. de; Claeys, M.; Schaub, G.
2015. Catalysis Today, 242 (PA), 184–192. doi:10.1016/j.cattod.2014.05.020 -
Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis with H2/CO2 – Catalyst Behavior under Transient Conditions
Iglesias González, M.; Schaub, G.
2015. Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 87 (6), 848–854. doi:10.1002/cite.201400137 -
Influence of reactor pressure on twin-fluid atomization: Basic investigations on burner design for high-pressure entrained flow gasifier
Jakobs, T.; Djordjevic, N.; Sänger, A.; Zarzalis, N.; Kolb, T.
2015. Atomization and sprays, 25 (12), 1081–1105. doi:10.1615/AtomizSpr.2015011558 -
Einfluss des Reaktordrucks auf die Spraygüte außenmischender Zweistoffdüsen. PhD dissertation
Jakobs, T.
2015. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000048862 -
Einfluss des Reaktordrucks auf die Spraygüte außenmischender Zweistoffdüsen. PhD dissertation
Jakobs, T.
2015. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) -
Niederdruck-Carbonitrieren mit Aminen : Low pressure carbonitriding with amines
Koch, D.; Hagymási, L.; Waldenmaier, T.; Bajohr, S.; Reimert, R.
2015. Härterei-technische Mitteilungen : HTM - Journal of Heat Treatment and Materials, 70 (4), 171–181. doi:10.3139/105.110263 -
Improvement of three-phase methanation reactor performance for steady-state and transient operation
Lefebvre, J.; Götz, M.; Bajohr, S.; Reimert, R.; Kolb, T.
2015. Fuel Processing Technology, 132, 83–90. doi:10.1016/j.fuproc.2014.10.040 -
Integration of a water scrubbing technique and two-stage pressurized anaerobic digestion in one process
Lemmer, A.; Chen, Y.; Wonneberger, A.-M.; Graf, F.; Reimert, R.
2015. Energies, 8 (3), 2048–2065. doi:10.3390/en8032048 -
Gasification kinetics of biomass- and fossil-based fuels: comparison study using fluidized bed and thermogravimetric analysis
Mueller, A.; Haustein, H. D.; Stoesser, P.; Kreitzberg, T.; Kneer, R.; Kolb, T.
2015. Energy & fuels, 29 (10), 6717–6723. doi:10.1021/acs.energyfuels.5b01123 -
Betriebs- und modelltechnische Untersuchungen zur Verbesserung des Gasphasenausbrandes bei der instationären Gebindeverbrennung in einer Rückstandsverbrennungsanlage. PhD dissertation
Nolte, M.
2015. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Conference contributions 2015
Improving the conversion efficiency of a Power-to-Gas plant by coupling a dynamic SOEC system with a three-phase methanation reactor
Anghilante, R.; Lefebvre, J.; Colomar, D.; Kolb, T.
2015. Energy, Science and Technology, Conference and Exhibition (EST 2015), Karlsruhe, Germany, May 20–22, 2015 -
Combining PtG-technology with gasification: The KIC-Project "DemoSNG"
Bajohr, S.; Schollenberger, D.; Buchholz, D.
2015. Energy, Science and Technology, Conference and Exhibition (EST 2015), Karlsruhe, Germany, May 20–22, 2015 -
Modellierung anaerober Fermentationsprozesse zur Erzeugung von einspeisefähigem Biogas
Bär, K.; Mörs, F.; Götz, M.; Graf, F.; Kolb, T.
2015. Hammer Bioenergietage, Hammer, 20.-22.07.2015 -
SPH Simulation of a Twin-Fluid Atomizer Operating with a High Viscosity Liquid
Chaussonnet, G.; Braun, S.; Wieth, L.; Kolb, T.; Koch, R.; Bauer, H.-J.; Sänger, A.; Jakobs, T.; Djordjevic, N.
2015. 13th Triennial International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems (ICLASS 2015), Tainan, TWN, August 23 - 27, 2015. Ed.: T. Lin, 1–8, National Cheng Kung University. doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.4320.7128 -
Analysis of three-phase Fischer-Tropsch reactors under transient operation
Eilers, H.; Schaub, G.
2015. ESCRE 2015 - European Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering, Fürstenfeldbruck, 27. - 30.10.2015, Gesellschaft für Chemische Technik und Biotechnologie (DECHEMA) -
Formation and decay of hydrocarbon intermediates in an entrained flow gasifier
Fleck, S.; Hotz, C.; Kolb, T.; Geigle, K. P.; Kutne, P.
2015. Verbrennung und Feuerung : 27.Deutscher Flammentag, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, 16.-17.September 2015, 697–703, VDI Verlag -
Gasification of biomass-based suspension fuels in an atmospheric entrained flow gasifier
Fleck, S.; Hotz, C.; Stoesser, P.; Kolb, T.
2015. Verbrennung und Feuerung : 27.Deutscher Flammentag, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, 16.-17.September 2015, 207–217, VDI Verlag -
Influence of fuel specification on gasification performance of biomass based suspension fuels in an atmospheric enrained flow gasifier
Fleck, S.; Santo, U.; Hotz, C.; Boening, D.; Djordjevic, N.; Kolb, T.
2015. International Conference on Thermochemical (TC) Biomass Conversion Science, tcbiomass 2015, Chicago, USA, 02.-05.11.2015 -
Formation of by-products during gasification of biomass based suspension fuels in an entrained flow gasifier
Fleck, S.; Geigle, K. P.; Hotz, C.; Djordjevic, N.; Kolb, T.
2015. Energy, Science and Technology, Conference and Exhibition (EST 2015), Karlsruhe, Germany, May 20–22, 2015 -
Comparison of Biological and Catalytic Methanation for Power-to-Gas Applications
Götz, M.; Graf, F.; McDaniel Koch, A.; Kolb, T.
2015. 31. Ausstellungstagung für chemisches Apparatewesen (ACHEMA 2015), Frankfurt am Main, Germany, June 15–19, 2015 -
Power-to-Gas (P2G): Three-phase methanation. [Paris]
Götz, M.; Graf, F.; McDaniel Koch, A.; Lefebvre, J.; Bajohr, S.; Kolb, T.
2015. Proceedings of the 26th World Gas Conference (WGC), Paris, 01.-05.06.2015 -
Comparison of Biological and Catalytic Methanation for Power-to-Gas Applications
Götz, M.; McDaniel Koch, A.; Graf, F.
2015. Energy, Science and Technology, Conference and Exhibition (EST 2015), Karlsruhe, Germany, May 20–22, 2015 -
Biomethane in Germany - lessons learned
Graf, F.; Ortloff, F.; Kolb, T.
2015. Proceedings of the 26th World Gas Conference (WGC), Paris, 01.-05.06.2015 -
Innovative biomethane processes
Graf, F.; Ortloff, F.; Götz, M.; Kolb, T.
2015. Energy, Science and Technology, Conference and Exhibition (EST 2015), Karlsruhe, Germany, May 20–22, 2015 -
Investigation of Entrained Flow Gasification of liquid Fuels at ambient Pressure
Hotz, C.; Fleck, S.; Djordjevic, N.; Kolb, T.
2015. Energy, Science and Technology, Conference and Exhibition (EST 2015), Karlsruhe, Germany, May 20–22, 2015 -
Flexible Operation of Catalytic Fuel Synthesis Reactors - Experimental and Modeling Analysis of Fixed Bed Reactors
Iglesias, M. G.; Eilers, H.; Schaub, G.
2015. Energy, Science and Technology, Conference and Exhibition (EST 2015), Karlsruhe, Germany, May 20–22, 2015 -
Zerstäubung von biosyncrude
Jakobs, T.; Sänger, A.; Jampolski, G.; Chaussonnet, G.; Müller, T.; Willenbacher, N.; Zarzalis, N.; Bauer, H.-J.; Kolb, T.
2015. Bioliq Statusseminar - Querschnittsverbund Sustainable Bioeconomy, Karlsruhe, 01.12.2015 -
Stabilization of coke-water slurries for the bioliq® process
Jampolski, L.; Djordjevic, N.; Kolb, T.
2015. 10th Annual European Rheology Conference (2015), Nantes, France, April 14–17, 2015 -
Rheology of Biomass Suspensions for the bioliq® Process
Jampolski, L.; Sänger, A.; Djordjevic, N.; Kolb, T.; Willenbacher, N.
2015. Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet Fachgruppe "Rheologie", Ludwigshafen, 26.02.2015 -
Tailoring of coke-water-slurries for EFG
Jampolski, L.; Sänger, A.; Jakobs, T.; Kolb, T.; Willenbacher, N.
2015. Energy, Science and Technology, Conference and Exhibition (EST 2015), Karlsruhe, Germany, May 20–22, 2015 -
Tailoring the viscosity function of a coke-water-slurry
Jampolski, L.; Sänger, A.; Djordjevic, N.; Kolb, T.; Willenbacher, N.
2015. Energy, Science and Technology, Conference and Exhibition (EST 2015), Karlsruhe, Germany, May 20–22, 2015 -
Country Activities and Reports: Germany
Kolb, T.
2015. Fall Task Meeting, IEA Task 33: Thermal Gasification of Biomass Berlin, 29.10.2015 -
Entrained flow gasification for biomass-based slurry
Kolb, T.; Djordjevic, N.
2015. 10th European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers (INFUB 2015), Porto, P, April 7-10, 2015. Proceedings, CD-ROM -
Country Report Germany
Kolb, T.; Eberhard, M.
2015. IEA Bioenergy: Task 33 Thermal Gasification of Biomass, Task Meeting, Berlin, 29.10.2015 -
Country Activities Germany
Kolb, T.; Eberhard, M.
2015. IEA Bioenergy - Task 33 - Thermal Gasification of Biomass - Task Meeting, Ponferrada, Spain, 11-13 May 2015 -
Country Activities and Reports: Germany
Kolb, T.
2015. IEA Task 33: Thermal Gasification of Biomass Ponferrada, Spanien, 11.-13.05.2015 -
Vergleich von biologischen und katalytischen Methanisierungskonzepten
Mörs, F.; Götz, M.; Graf, F.; Bär, K.
2015. Fachforum Biologische Methanisierung, Regensburg, 11.11.2015 -
Experimental investigation on the influence of ambient pressure on twin-fluid atomization of liquids with various viscosities
Sänger, A.; Jakobs, T.; Djordjevic, N.; Kolb, T.
2015. ICLASS 2015 / 13th International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems : August 23-27, 2015, Tainan, Taiwan. Chairman: Ta-Hui Lin, A2–1 -
Experimental investigation on the influence of ambient pressure on twin-fluid atomization of liquids with various viscosities
Sänger, A.; Jakobs, T.; Djordjevic, N.; Kolb, T.
2015. ICLASS 2015, 13th Triennial Intenational Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Tainan, Taiwan, 23.-27.08.2015 -
Processing and Atomization of Complex Fluids for Entrained Flow Gasification
Sänger, A.; Jakobs, T.; Jampolski, L.; Willenbacher, N.; Kolb, T.
2015. Energy, Science and Technology, Conference and Exhibition (EST 2015), Karlsruhe, Germany, May 20–22, 2015 -
Processing and Atomization of Complex Fluids for Entrained Flow Gasification Application
Sänger, A.; Jakobs, T.; Djordjevic, N.; Jampolski, L.; Kolb, T.; Willenbacher, N.
2015. Energy, Science and Technology, Conference and Exhibition (EST 2015), Karlsruhe, Germany, May 20–22, 2015